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Fibre Optic 

For infrastructure, we believe that the all the cables that provides internet data in our utopia should be made of optic fiber. This will significantly increase the speed in which the data can travel. Therefore it allows the users to be able to download, upload and share information more easily and faster.  Furthermore, I also believe that every part of our utopia should be provided with internet. Arguments such as poor neighbourhoods might not require internet connection is mistaken. Those communities are the one that are isolated and they should be encouraged to use internet and learn about the situation in our society. Therefore, even poor neighbourhood at least can access to knowledge, and with knowledge they are able to to make better decisions for our society. Of course this won’t always work, but as a initiative, we would like to have everybody to have access to internet.


Save the information 

It is important to mention that digitalized data has increased significantly over the past years, specially to an extent in which  data centers have to expand in order to store more digitalized data which to a certain extent is useless because many formats, as time passes, is not going to be opened by future softwares. For instance, VHS standards can not be opened by any software nowadays and all the digitalized information will not be opened by further advanced software. Therefore all that information, except those that are stored in analog data, disappeared or is eliminated. As a utopia, all the information would be stored as much as possible in  analogs formats either in CD’s or physical books. This is done to avoid an IT infrastructure challenge where data exponentially increases and takes over plenty of space in data centers.










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