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Digitalised ID

For administration, all the citizens should be provided with a digitalized ID. This digitalized Id would contain the biometrics and the information of each citizens in a country. The digitalized ID can contain information of the citizen’s DNA, in which is more accurate than any biometrics. The digitalized ID allows organization where many of the users would be able to identify themselves more easily, to an extent where just to pay with a credit card or accessing to an authorized place, by looking at your eyes, the access can be granted. The main advantage is that the digitalized ID can allow organizations to be able to record data aside. For instance, just with the ID, it can be linked to your social security, or to your hospital card or to your bank account. This can leads the government to have an easier task when it comes to organizing.


Electronic Voting Machines  

   Voting is one of the greatest deal in modern world. Unfortunately  we get see some frauds regarding the electronic voting machine. So therefore, to reduce this risk we have created a policy for our citizens. Firstly, the citizen will be provided by an authetication token which can be used once only. As soon as the person votes the machine will print out paper record of that person and the voting details with a specif generated code and the voter has to deposit this in the ballot box. In addition, The power of the government should be divided into three branches. Legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative branch takes care of lawmaking, when the executive branch includes the president of the country who is the commander in chief of the army and makes sure that all the laws are applied. Finally, the legislative judges in terms of the law. No matter what, all the members of those branches are chosen by the people.

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